Maryam Mehrabi
Start: Sep. 2017
Finish: Oct. 2020
Thesis Title: A Model-Driven Framework for Developing IoT-Based Health Monitoring Applicatins
Supervisor: Dr. Bahman Zamani
Current Position: Ph.D. Student at Concordia University
Maryam Mehrabi received her B.Sc. in Computer Engineering (Software) from University Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, in 2017.
Thesis Abstract:
Recently, smartphones support a variety of functionalities including gathering, storing, analyzing, visualizing, and sending data as well as sending different kinds of alerts and reports in the process of remote health monitoring. To perform the listed functionalities a mobile application is required to manage health monitoring process. But the development of such applications with traditional software development methods according to issues such as heterogeneity of hardware and software systems, supporting different data transferring technologies, and requiring knowledge and expertise from different domains is a time consuming and complex activity that needs a variety of programming skills.
In this research, to address these challenges, a framework for the development of IoT-based health monitoring mobile applications based on model-driven approach is presented. This approach, by increasing the level of abstraction, helps reduce both the development time and the dependency of the development process on the programming skills of the developer. The proposed framework divides the development of health monitoring applications into two phases: modeling and automatic code generation. To use this framework developers should extract the system requirements, design and validate the application model, and finally generate application code using model-to-code transformations.
This research is evaluated in three parts. At first, the comprehensiveness of the proposed framework is discussed. Then to show the applicability of the proposed framework, two applications are developed to monitor chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and blood pressure. Also, by calculating the percentage of automatic code generation, the amount of savings in development time for each application is determined. Finally, the usability of the proposed framework has been evaluated after completing a questionnaire by 20 developers.
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