Bahman Zamani
Colleague (Founder)
Bahman Zamani received his B.Sc. from the University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, in 1991, and his M.Sc. from the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1997, both in Computer Engineering (Software). He obtained his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada, in 2009. From 1998 to 2003, he was a researcher and faculty member of the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST)—Isfahan branch. Dr. Zamani joined the Faculty of Computer Engineering at the University of Isfahan in 2009, as an Assistant Professor. In 2018, he was promoted to Associate Professor. His main research interest is Model-Driven Software Engineering (MDSE). He is the founder of MDSE research group at the University of Isfahan, and he acted as the director of this group until September 2023. Dr. Zamani was retired on September 2022.more
- Model-Driven Software Engineering: Concepts and Principles
- Object-Oriented Software Engineering: An Agile Unified Methodology
- Operating System Concepts
Tutorial Videos
Papers in English
- An executable domain-specific modeling language for simulating organizational auction-based coordination strategies for crisis response
- TrackMine: Topic Tracking in Model Mining using Genetic Algorithm
- Maaker: A framework for detecting and defeating evasion techniques in Android malware
- Leveraging Model Driven Techniques for Designing Web-GIS Systems
- An Ontology-based Approach to Facilitate Semantic Interoperability of Context-Aware Systems
- A Model-Driven Approach for Automatic Generation of Android Tourism Applications
- A Rule-Based Language for Configurable N-way Model Matching
- A Model-Based Framework for Inter-App Vulnerability Analysis of Android Applications
- Conflict Management Techniques for Model Merging: A Systematic Mapping Review
- HealMA: A Model-Driven Framework for Automatic Generation of IoT-Based Android Health Monitoring Applications
- Automatic resolution of model merging conflicts using quality-based reinforcement learning
- A Model-Based Approach for Representing Data Sharing Mechanism in Android Applications
- Automatic Generation of Business Intelligence Chatbot for Organizations
- Towards a Formalism for Specifying N-way Model Merging Rules
- Incremental Model Transformation with Epsilon in Model-Driven Engineering
- CA-BPEL: A New Approach to Facilitate the Development and Execution of Context-Aware Service Orchestrations
- Automatic Generation of XACML Code using Model-Driven Approach
- A Formalism for Specifying Capability-based Task Allocation in MAS
- Towards Personalized Change Propagation for Collaborative Modeling
- A machine learning approach for detecting and categorizing evasion sources in Android malware
- Model-Driven Software Engineering: A Bibliometric Analysis
- Curious-Monkey: Evolved Monkey for triggering malicious payloads in Android malware
- MEGDroid: A Model-Driven Event Generation Framework for Dynamic Android Malware Analysis
- Applying meta-heuristics algorithms in model-driven approaches for solving the CRA problem
- MUPPIT: A Method for Using Proper Patterns in Model Transformations
- ALBA: A Model-Driven Framework for the Automatic Generation of Android Location-Based Apps
- Modeling Android Security using an Extension of Knowledge Discovery Metamodel
- A Novel Approach for Developing Emergency Evacuation Plans
- A Formalism for Specifying Model Merging Conflicts
- Enhancing Monkey to trigger malicious payloads in Android malware
- A Model-Driven Approach for IoT-Based Monitoring Systems in Industry 4.0
- SEET: Symbolic Execution of ETL Transformations
- Configurable Three-way Model Merging
- CaaSSET: A Framework for Model-Driven Development of Context as a Service
- Lossless Compaction of Model Execution Traces
- Leveraging product line engineering for the development of domain-specific metamodeling languages
- Model execution tracing: a systematic mapping study
- Solving the Quality-based Software-Selection and Hardware-Mapping Problem with ACO
- Test Model Generation Using Equivalence Partitioning
- Towards a Model-Driven Framework for Simulating Interactive Emergency Response Environments
- VAnDroid: A framework for vulnerability analysis of Android applications using a model‐driven reverse engineering technique
- A domain specific modeling language for enterprise application development
- EVL+ Strace: a novel bidirectional model transformation approach
- An automatic test case generator for evaluating implementation of access control policies
- A novel approach for automatic model-based test case generation
- A UML profile for modeling the conflicts in model merging
- Solving the state elimination case study using Epsilon
- Solving the families to persons case using EVL+ Strace
- A model-based framework for automatic generation of a pattern language verifier
- Automatic pattern proposition in transformation life cycle
- A model-driven framework for developing multi-agent systems in emergency response environments
- Contract verification of ETL transformations
- Bidirectional model transformation approaches – a comparative study
- Towards a formal model of patterns and pattern languages
- On the evaluation of automatic program repair techniques and tools
- Towards a tracing framework for model-driven software systems
- Towards automatic generation of formal specifications for UML consistency verification
- From trace-based inter-model validation to bidirectional model synchronization with reconciliation
- Programming language criteria for model transformation evaluation
- A modeling language to model mitigation in emergency response environments
- Pattern language verification in model driven design
- A new model-based test technique using formal specification of software architectures
- Tool support for pattern selection and use
- Describing pattern languages for checking design models
- Smell detection in UML designs which utilize pattern languages
- A pattern language verifier for web-based enterprise applications
- Critiquing the application of pattern languages on UML models
Papers in Persian
- ارزیابی ابزارهای مدلسازی و شبیهسازی مبتنی بر عامل بر اساس استاندارد ایزو ۲۵۰۱۰
- تشخیص حمله وکیل سرگردان در برنامههای اندرویدی با استفاده از رویکرد مهندسی معکوس مدلرانده
- تولید خودکار یک سیستم چندعاملی برای مدیریت بحران به روش مدلرانده
- ATL فرآیندی جهت اعمال الگوهای تبدیل در زبان تبدیل
- ارائه الگوریتم ادغام سهطرفه برای مدلهای یوامال بر اساس مفروضات ذهنی طراحان
- ارائهی روشی جدید برای تبدیل مدل دوسویه بر اساس چارچوب اپسیلون و تکنیکهای ردیابیپذیری
- تعمیر خودکار برنامهها: بررسی ادبیات و مرور نظامیافته فنون شاخص
- نمایه یوامال پیشرفته جهت مدلسازی محاسبات ابری
- تبدیل مدل دوسویه بر اساس چارچوب اپسیلون
- یک روش آزمون مدلرانده برای تولید خودکار موارد آزمون براساس نمودار توالی
- انتخاب بهترین سرویس با توجه به معیارهای امنیتی با استفاده از روشهای تحلیل سلسله مراتبی و هدف، سوال و اندازهگیری
- بهبود معیار پوشش شرط/تصمیم اصلاحیافته در آزمون نرمافزار بهروش مبتنی بر مدل
- ارائهی زبان و ابزاری جهت مدلسازی معماری سیستمهای سازمانی مبتنی بر وب
- فرآیندی برای تشخیص و پیشنهاد خودکار الگوهای تبدیل
- طراحی یک زبان جهت مدلسازی محیطهای واکنش اضطراری
- تولید خودکار موارد آزمون جهت ارزیابی صحت پیادهسازی سیاستهای کنترل دسترسی
- TransML تولید خودکار مدل معماری از مدل نیازمندی در چرخه حیات
- آزمون فاز اکتشافی جهت کشف خطاهای نرمافزاری
- مکانیابی خطاهای چندگانه با استفاده از خوشهبندی مبتنی بر چگالی گزارههای مظنون به خط
- مدیریت سیستمهای عرضه و تقاضا با خوشهبندی جریانی
- توصیه رفاقتی برای بهبود مدیریت اعتماد در شبکههای اقتضایی حمل و نقل
- خودکارسازی تبدیل مدل جهت تسهیل وارسی رفتار پویای سیستم
- استفاده از بررسی مدل در سیستم های کنترل ترافیک: یک کاربرد عملی