Mohammadreza Sharbaf
+98 31 37935641
Mohammadreza Sharbaf is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Engineering at the University of Isfahan. He is interested in Model-Driven Software Engineering (Domain-Specific Modeling Languages, Model Management, and Model Transformation), Low-Code Development Platforms, Software Development Methodologies, Design Patterns, and Semantic Web (Semantic Reasoning). His current research is focused on collaborative modeling, in particular, worked on model comparison and merging, conflict management, model versioning, and multi-view modeling. Mohammadreza received his B.Sc. from the Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, in 2013, and his M.Sc and Ph.D from the University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran in 2016 and 2022, both in Computer Engineering (Software). Now, he is the director of Model-Driven Software Engineering Research Group (MDSERG) at University of Isfahan.more
Papers in English
- A Systematic Review of Model-Driven Game Development Studies
- TrackMine: Topic Tracking in Model Mining using Genetic Algorithm
- A Rule-Based Language for Configurable N-way Model Matching
- Conflict Management Techniques for Model Merging: A Systematic Mapping Review
- Automatic resolution of model merging conflicts using quality-based reinforcement learning
- Automatic Generation of Business Intelligence Chatbot for Organizations
- Towards a Formalism for Specifying N-way Model Merging Rules
- Incremental Model Transformation with Epsilon in Model-Driven Engineering
- Towards Personalized Change Propagation for Collaborative Modeling
- ALBA: A Model-Driven Framework for the Automatic Generation of Android Location-Based Apps
- A Formalism for Specifying Model Merging Conflicts
- A comparison of quality flaws and technical debt in model transformation specifications
- Configurable Three-way Model Merging
- Comparative Case Studies in Agile Model-Driven Development
- The Impact of Integrating Agile Software Development and Model-Driven Development: A Comparative Case Study
- Technical Debt in Model Transformation Specifications
- A survey of model transformation design patterns in practice
- A UML profile for modeling the conflicts in model merging
- Solving the state elimination case study using Epsilon
- A survey of model transformation design pattern usage
- Optimization of model transformation output using genetic algorithm
- Towards automatic generation of formal specifications for UML consistency verification
Papers in Persian