- PDF ⇐ Low-code development and model-driven engineering: Two sides of the same coin?_2022
- Persian Summery ⇐ Grand challenges in model-driven engineering: an analysis of the state of the research_2020
- PDF ⇐ Survey and Classification of Model Transformation Tools_2018
- PDF ⇐ Model-driven engineering: A survey supported by the unified conceptual model_2015
- 2014_PDF ⇐ The Relevance of Model-Driven Engineering Thirty Years from Now
- PDF ⇐ The State of Practice in Model-Driven Engineering_2014
- 2011_PDF ⇐ Empirical Assessment of MDE in Industry
- 2006_PDF ⇐ Model-Driven Engineering: An Emerging Technical Space
- 2006_PDF ⇐ Model-Driven Engineering
- PDF ⇐ Model Transformation – the Heart and Soul of Model-Driven Software Development_2003